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How to Job Search During a Pandemic

Posted by: NIC Online Date: July 20, 2021 Category: Blog
Job Search During a Pandemic

Searching for a job during the COVID-19 pandemic may seem like a difficult challenge. The pandemic has shifted the economy and created unfortunate circumstances that have left many people without jobs. Even now, companies continue to adapt their daily operations. It’s undeniable that the job search process has changed. Job seekers need to adopt new strategies in order to maximize success during and after the pandemic. Continue reading to learn more about these new strategies.

Assess the In-Demand Occupations

While employers are still hiring, the reality of the pandemic is that it has affected and changed how many organizations perform their work. Sectors such as health, manufacturing, transportation, and agriculture continue to be in demand as they are essential for everyone. In addition, remote work opportunities have become an effective way for organizations to remain productive and continue their work. Job Bank Canada provides a great resource for available job opportunities.

Persistence is Key

It may be easy to get demotivated when the pandemic has drastically shifted the landscape of how we work. However, many companies and organizations are still hiring to meet new demands. Be persistent in your job search and keep sending out resumes! Be patient and expect delays in the hiring process as the pandemic continues to slow things down.

Explore Temporary Roles

Many companies are looking to hire temporary roles immediately. For example, this includes work in the service, logistics, and health industries that continue to require support as essential services. Considering a temporary job while you continue looking for full-time permanent work in your field. Temporary roles are a great way to build your network and earn money.

Lean on Your Digital Network

Networking continues to be a major source of job opportunities. In fact, most experts believe that 70 – 80 percent of job listings are not made public. Instead, the successful candidate is found through word-of-mouth.

There has been a decline in physical networking events due to the pandemic. Fortunately, online platforms such as LinkedIn allows people to connect without meeting face-to-face. In addition, consider attending professional association meetings. Lastly, mentors can be a great source of building your network. Consider connecting with TRIEC to find a suitable mentor to meet your career goals.

Contact the Experts at NIC Online

Newcomers in Ontario can receive free employment and settlement support from the experts at NIC Online. Members can access these virtual resources from the comfort of their own homes. Speak with an expert and equip yourself with the knowledge to land your ideal career.

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